
Pursuant to MGL Chapter 71, Section 68, schools are required to provide transportation to any student who’s residence is more than two miles from his/her assigned school. This requirement is further clarified in regards to the distance between each child’s home and bus stop, which cannot exceed one (1) mile.

The financial implication for us as a regional school district is further clarified MGL Chapter 71, Section 16C. According to this statute, the restrictions around the state reimbursement pull the distance closer to the schools, and we are not reimbursed for any student being transported within one and one half (1.5) miles of their assigned school.

Taking into account these two laws, and keeping in mind that the vast majority of the school district geography does not contain side walks, we provide stops well within the 1 mile requirement. On the elementary routes we provide more frequent stops, while on the middle/high school routes we run fewer busses with less frequent stops.

Responsibilities of the Triton Regional School District:

  1. Provide all eligible students to a bus stop within one (1) mile of their home.
  2. Provide bus stops that are reasonably spaced, and not too frequent, which statistically increases the likelihood of rear end collisions
  3. Provide bus stops at a safe location that provides sufficient space for students to wait out of the street
  4. Provide bus stops at commonly accessible locations for all students assigned to that bus stop.

Responsibilities of the Parents/Guardians:

  1. Ensure that their child(ren) get to the bus stop safely, and on time, at the start of the school day
  2. Ensure that their child(ren) return safely from the bus stop to home at the end of the school day

If you have an emergency or timely question, please contact the school office. Contact information is as follows:

  • High School: (978) 462-8171 press “0”

  • Middle School: (978) 463-5845 press “0”

  • Newbury Elementary School: (978) 465-5353

  • Pine Grove School: (978) 948-2520 press “0”

  • Salisbury Elementary School: (978) 463-5852 press “0”

For comments, questions, or concerns relating to Student Transportation Services, please email Bryan Perry, School Business Administrator, at bryan.perry@tritonschools.org.  Please be as specific as possible about your request or concern.

If you have a routine question about the location of bus stops, the stop to which your child is assigned, or general route times and locations, you can contact North Reading Transportation directly at (978) 462-0820. Please note that no changes to routes, stops, or locations can be changed directly through North Reading Transportation. Those requests must be submitted in writing to Bryan Perry at the email contact above.

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