Facilities Use

Municipal groups, private groups, and other organizations have access to use the Triton Regional School District's facilities according to the terms, conditions, and rental rate structure set out on this page. This includes all District buildings, including Newbury Elementary School, Pine Grove School, Salisbury Elementary, and the Triton Regional Middle and High School campus.

Rental charges will apply for all groups NOT functioning under the auspices of the Triton Regional School District or the Towns of Newbury, Rowley, or Salisbury.

All facility use requests are completed online using ML Schedules, and you can use that same system to check whether a specific date is available. Creating an ML Schedules user account is the first step to making an online facility use request. You can do so by clicking the appropriate links below. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration is successful, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.

The How To documents linked below will help you with this process, but the link below will provide additional information if needed:

- How to Create an Account (video)

Once your account is created, you can start making facility reservations using ML Schedules. Click the ML Schedules icon to the left to reach the Login screen. The video below further explains the reservation process.

- Making a Request Using ML Schedules (video)

For questions about the facility rental process, or about facilities in general, please contact Jonathan Skoniecki, Manager of Facilities & Grounds at Jonathan.Skoniecki@tritonschools.org or by phone at (978) 465-2397 x1055.